northern lights in Iceland

Northern lights forcast for to day

Northern lights forcast for to day

Northern lights forcast to morrow

Northern lights forcast to morrow

Cloud forecast for Iceland

Cloud Image

Current Aurora activity

1 hour aurora forecast

Current aurora probability in iceland

IMF fluctation

current magnetic field fluctation in Iceland

Planetary K-index

Planetary K-index

Bz Magnetic Field (nT)

Bz Magnetic field (Nt)

Best Northern lights cameras

Sony A7R V

Sony Alpha 7R V Full-Frame Mirrorless Interchangeable Lens Camera

Sony A7s lll

Sony A7s V

Canon R6

Nikon Z6 lll


Current plasma, speed & temp

Solar Wind Gauge - Density

Plasma Density (cm⁻³)

Solar Wind Gauge - Speed

Solar Speed (km/s)

Solar Wind Gauge - Temperature

Temperature (K)

Aurora information articles

Northern lights Infotainment articles
Arcticles about the northern lights both for beginners and nerds. Information about kp-index, Interplanetary magnetic field, plasma and solar speed and how all of these affect the aurora show. 
These arcticles are written by professional northern lights guides.
Northern lights Photography articles
Arcticles about best practise when doing photography of aurora borealis or the northern lights. Advise on camera , lenses, aperture, iso and shutter speed. 
These arcticles are written by professional photographer.